About Me

Molly is a 5 Year old German Shepherd. She likes getting in the trash, playing with her ball, getting on the counter and jumping on the bed in the middle of night when im sleeping when she knows she shouldn’t be on it LOL.
She also likes going on walks and every once and awhile she chases the cat. So basically she is a pill but I totally love her.

Miya is 10 years old and she is actually a beagle/Pit Bull mix. She is probably the sweetest most well bahaved dog I have ever had. She literally doesn’t ever do anything wrong. She helps keep Molly in line and she loves loves loves to play ball. She would play ball all day everyday if she could. She likes to go on walks, and she loves to sleep in. She is friendly with every person that she meets and I swear she is like part human because of how insightful she is.

I know I know super original name for her. She is a black Manx cat and is 12 years old. Kinda funny because the breed doesn’t have a tail. She has like a bobcat tail. She is super moody. Seems like she is always and constantly judging me. LOL. She does like to wake up in the morning and meow at me constantly until I give her treats and then she is fine. She likes to go outside with the dogs and lay in the grass. She loves taking cat naps. She also likes to hide from me from time to time and watch me scramble around to find her.